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The Distinction Between OEM, OBM, and DFM in Custom Luggage

2022-05-26 15:02:56

hebei leimande

The Distinction Between OEM, OBM, and DFM in Custom Luggage

   OEM/ODM is the product of modern industry with a high degree of division of labor, nowadays, more and more products are produced and sold in these two ways. Because these two models can integrate resources more effectively and achieve a win-win situation.

OEM means "Original Equipment Manufacturer". It refers to a company that designs and manufactures a product to its own specifications and then sells it to another company for branding and distribution. In the computer manufacturing industry, OEM is often used as a verb. 

When people say that a company OEMs another company's product, they mean that the company buys the complete finished design (i.e., the "original equipment") from the other company (i.e., the OEM).

    In most cases, the buyer asks the seller to change only the name and color of the product and not other aspects of the product. Only the name and model number of product are different.

    ODM means "original design manufacturer" and refers to a company that designs and manufactures a product according to another company's specifications.

For example, a computer company like HP might make specific specifications for the laptops it wants to bring to market.

They specify the external requirements of the product, such as the size and technical requirements of the screen, the input/output ports, the front tilt angle of the keyboard, the shape and color of the computer bag, and the location of the speakers.

    As well as they usually specify the main internal details of the product such as the CPU or video controller specifications.

    However, they did not have design drawings specifying the type of switching transistors to be used for the power supply, nor did they select the frequency of the backlight converter. 

    These are the jobs of the ODM, which designs and produces laptops based on the specifications set forth by the computer company. Sometimes, ODM can also be produced according to existing samples. OEM approach tends to focus more on cooperation, while in the case of OEM, the buyer is basically not involved in the specific specifications of the product opinion, in the luggage industry, many customers often have their own clear needs, but struggling to find the right manufacturers to achieve their ideas, Baoding Leimande luggage company is able to customize bags according to customer needs, free design and development of cost-effective bags.

    OBM (Original Brand Manufacturer). OBM is to build its own channels and create its own brand.

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