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The History Of The Backpack: A Journey Through Time

2024-07-24 14:15:18

hebei leimande

      Before today, backpacks have been developing for a History Of The Backpack Pink Dress

      long time to become the current backpack.

      People carried items with bag-shape stuff from the 

      21st century BC which is the prehistoric period, as 

      germination of the human society civilization. The 

      earliest humans used simple bags or pockets with 

      animal leathers and plants to carry food and tools.

Thereafter, it came into the ancient civilization period, which went from a simple social structure to a more complicated country and social organization. Starting in Ancient Egypt, people attach a small pocket on their waists or shoulders to have personal belongings or food. Then in Greece and Rome period, a “marsupium” was popular with travelers and soldiers surrounding the waists, which is a small pocket to load necessaries.

There was a change in the medieval period. The backpack took its first shape which is a big pocket with fabrics and animal leathers. Farmers and sheepherders will tighten the opening of the pocket and wrap stretched ropes around the shoulders.

Coming to the Renaissance, simple backpacks had been with more structures and were used for businessmen and adventurers. After the 17th century, square bags appeared and were made of leather. Next, packs became more and more standard during the Industrial Revolution which were used to carry supplies and equipment by military personnel.

In the early 19th century, big travel bags were fashionable and were essential for getting in and out of Europe. After the World Wars, all countries began to resume economics and social development. In 1960 and 1970, backpacks were popular with students and travelers as a fashion item. It was designed with more ergonomics and comfort.

With the rapid progress of technology and materials, the kinds and usages of backpacks are more varied, such as hiking, camping, school, travel, or some special use. Modern backpack generally has comfortable shoulder straps and multiple compartments with a waterproofing property that meets the demands of different occasions.

Nowadays, backpacks have multiple functions from initial simple bags after a long historical evolution process. It also reflects the change in human lifestyle and needs.

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