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Attention! There will Soon Be New Limits on International Trade

2022-06-06 16:37:01

hebei leimande

Attention! There will Soon Be New Limits on International Trade

    China's several initiatives to stabilize international commerce, including import duty reductions in a number of nations, and so on.

    The first one: “Opinions on expanding international trade in order to maintain stability and increase quality" were released.

    The State Council's General Office issued "on the promotion of foreign trade to maintain stability and improve the quality of opinions" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions"), an in-depth implementation of the Party Central Committee, the State Council's decision-making arrangements to help foreign trade enterprises cope with difficult challenges, to achieve the goal of import and export to maintain stability and improve the quality of tasks to help stabilize the equities market.

    The "Opinions" propose 13 policy measures, the most important of which are: first, ensuring the stability of production and circulation in the field of foreign trade; second, increasing financial support for foreign trade enterprises in fiscal and taxation; third, assisting foreign trade enterprises in capturing orders and expanding the market; and fourth, stabilizing the supply chain of the foreign trade industry chain.

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