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How to choose the custom color of the backpack

2023-06-07 08:23:34

hebei leimande

  When customizing backpacks, color selection is a relatively important part, especially when customizing backpacks for enterprises, color selection is even more related to corporate image issues. So, how to choose the custom color of the backpack? Let's listen to what Leimande luggage manufacturers say.

  Most backpack customization is based on the enterprise, so when choosing the color of the backpack, first determine the theme you want to express, or whether the company logo has a main color so that the selected backpack color is the most suitable color. If there are no above-mentioned conditions, when you choose a style, you can start from the following aspects:

  1. Choose the color according to the age of the user group

  Usually, young people like to be brighter, and older people choose darker or plain, but the reality is different. Many young people always want to show themselves as mature, and old people always want to look young. Each has its own characteristics, but in the workplace, cool tones that give people calm will be more popular.

  2. Comparison of appearance and impression

  Dark-colored backpacks will be more formal than light-colored backpacks, and light-colored backpacks will give people a youthful and sunny feeling. Therefore, when customizing the backpack, you can also choose according to the customer's preferences, which is also a very important point.

  3. Choose the color of the backpack by gender

  Generally speaking, if it is based on gender, when men choose a backpack, they can choose a darker color to show restraint. Women can choose brighter colors.

  Regarding the choice of color, you can choose the color according to the specific use scene. On different occasions, the color should be selected relatively. The enterprise can also match the color according to the company's culture.

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