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The Export Growth Rate of Toys, Bags, Shoes, and Boots is Greater Than 20%

2022-06-23 09:39:11

hebei leimande

The Export Growth Rate of Toys, Bags, Shoes, and Boots is Greater Than 20%

    RCB Red Star Capital The "Guidance on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Light Industry" was published on June 17 by the Ministry of Industry in collaboration with five other departments. He Yaqiong, director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Consumer Goods Industry Division, stated during the "guidance" of the press conference that the impact and influence of the epidemic and other factors on the growth of China's light industry are only temporary phases, and that the system is complete, resilient, and long-term positive fundamentals remain unchanged. Batteries, toys, wine production, and other industries have all experienced double-digit value-added growth during the past one to five months. cumulative exports of 188.7 billion dollars, up 9.3 percent, with more than 20 percent export growth for toys, bags, and shoes. He Yaqiong also noted that the light industry's second half will continue to expand gradually and fast.

    China has reportedly developed into a true light industry power following years of growth. More than 100 categories of light industrial items were produced in the first place in the globe in 2021, with China's light industry contributing 16.9% of the nation's industrial value-added. He Yaqiong stated that the "Guiding Opinions" proposed several steady development, long-term significant actions to further boost the high-quality development of China's light industry.

    Build a high-quality supply system, expand and upgrade innovative products, raise the bar for quality assurance, strengthen brand cultivation services, and encourage new business models. First, strengthen the strategic support of scientific and technological innovation. Second, accelerate the development of key technologies. Third, improve the scientific and technological innovation system. Fourth, optimize the promotion of high growth standards. The fourth is to further promote green and low-carbon transformation, accelerate green and safe development, comprehensively build out a green manufacturing system, and advise the cons. The third is to increase the level of modernization of the industrial chain, promote the advanced industrial base, accelerate the industrial chain to complement the chain of strong chain, in-depth implement Digital transformation, and develop new models of service-oriented manufacturing. The fifth goal is to raise the level of differentiated enterprise development, construct high-level industrial clusters, improve the spatial arrangement of industries, and actively integrate into the world industrial system.

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