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American customers customized 1500 chest bags to replace the LOGO

2023-09-21 08:33:26

hebei leimande

  In order to change the logo of 1,500 chest bags for a US customer, Leimande Luggage Manufacturing Co., Ltd. followed the following steps:

  1. Communicate with the American client: First, discuss with the client the elements they want to include in the new LOGO. This may include company name, logo, slogan, etc. Make sure you are on the same page before starting the design process.

  2. Create a new LOGO design: Design a new LOGO according to the customer's needs. Make sure the new logo is different enough from the old logo so customers can easily tell them apart. You can use design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to create a new logo.

  3. Obtain client approval: After the new logo design is completed, send it to the client for review. Ask them to provide feedback on the design and make changes as needed. After the client is satisfied with the new logo design, you can move on to the next step.

  4. Make a printing sample of the new LOGO: Use the new LOGO design to make a printing sample. This will help American customers understand the effect of the new LOGO on actual products. If possible, try testing the samples using different colors and materials.

  5. Batch LOGO replacement: Print the new LOGO on 1,500 chest bags. Make sure the LOGO on each chest bag remains consistent with the original design to ensure customer satisfaction.

  6. Quality control: After changing the LOGO of all chest bags, check the product quality to ensure there are no errors or defects. If problems are found, please solve them promptly.

  7. Ship to customers: After confirming that the logos of all chest bags have been correctly replaced and the quality is up to standard, the products will be shipped to American customers. When shipping, be sure to include a description of the new logo so customers understand the changes.

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