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How does the luggage manufacturer complete the quotation

2023-02-01 09:05:53

hebei leimande

At least 80% of the friends I receive on the Internet are eager to inquire about quotations. Now Internet information is more convenient. I believe that when you are looking for quotations from backpack manufacturers, you will definitely find multiple quotations at the same time.  OEM /ODM backpack manufacturer will give you a share of the normal quotation process:

One category: Those on the Internet will first understand the size, material, and internal structure of the bag so that the more experienced quotation personnel of the luggage manufacturer will estimate the price based on similar styles they have made. Of course, this is also a rough quotation at the beginning, so try your best to provide specific parameters in detail and accurately;

the second category: according to the sample quotation, the luggage manufacturer will have a material master to calculate the accurate materials, as well as the cost of accessories and labor, but will give an accurate price.

the third category: According to the board but needs to be modified. In this case, the luggage manufacturer will refer to the board and the revised opinion, and finally need to make the board according to the revised opinion before giving the accurate price!


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