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Do not blindly find factories for processing bags

2022-12-06 08:48:56

hebei leimande

With the subdivision of the luggage processing industry, major luggage processing factories have their own advantages, and the categories they are good at are also different. Therefore, don’t blindly look for a factory to process luggage. First ask yourself what type of luggage you want, and know which factories you should find for processing, otherwise, it may delay the time of both parties, and even if you barely cooperate with large-scale goods, the quality will be problematic.

There are many types of bags, such as handbags, backpacks, waist bags, chest bags, women's bags, men's bags, ice bags, storage bags, camera bags, travel bags, school bags, outdoor backpacks, business backpacks, etc., subdivided. It's getting more refined. It is basically difficult for a luggage processing company to process any type of luggage it wants unless the factory is so large that there are branch factories that can implement completely different processes. If you are looking for a factory for processing luggage and come across a luggage processing factory that can do anything, you have to be careful to avoid being deceived.


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