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Which Fabric Is Best For Custom Laptop Bags

2022-11-22 09:06:23

hebei leimande

Laptop bags are mainly used to place laptops, so the safety requirements for laptop bags are very strict. Customized laptop bags should have certain bearing capacity, good shockproof and waterproof characteristics. Therefore, when customizing a laptop bag, the choice of fabric is more particular. The quality of the fabric directly determines the grade of the laptop bag, and also determines the practicability of the laptop bag.

Which fabric is the best for custom laptop bags? Generally speaking, higher-grade laptop bags usually use nylon and Dupont fabrics, and nylon fabrics are commonly used. Nylon fabrics have good properties and are becoming more and more popular. First of all, the wear resistance of nylon fabric ranks first among all kinds of fabrics, many times higher than other fiber fabrics of similar products. Secondly, the hygroscopicity of nylon fabric is better than that of synthetic fabrics. Computer bags made of nylon are more comfortable to carry and very breathable. Thirdly, nylon is a light fabric, and the customized computer bag will be lighter than those made of other fabrics, which is more conducive to travel.


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