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Backpacking common sense "How can I transfer the load to the hip bone"

2022-11-02 08:35:53

hebei leimande

Lemonade luggage editor today teaches you a little common sense about backpacks: "How can I transfer the load to the hip bone"?

First, make sure the shoulder straps are the right size. Then, find the right size belt that fits your waist size. Insert the rigid plastic belt holder through the belt opening to complete the belt installation. Load the weight of about 7-9kg into the backpack. Put on the backpack, first put on the shoulder straps. Adjust the shoulder straps until the top of the hip bone is level with the belt. Shrug your shoulders, then tighten your belt. Contract your abdomen and fasten your belt, preferably slightly tighter. This ensures that the belt covers the ileum. Adjust the quick-adjust buckle on the back of the belt, and the belt should automatically adjust to your hip angle. Loosen the quick-adjust buckle and the waistband will lock for maximum comfort and load transfer. Make sure your legs can be raised at a 90-degree angle to your body, and check that your body and the upper and lower ends of the belt are evenly stressed. Make sure both ends of the backpack are set the same. If necessary, the backpack can be removed and adjusted manually.


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