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Backpack and Health

2022-04-15 09:36:56

hebei leimande

There is a saying that,“A small leak will sink a great ship,” which stress the importance of tiny things. The choice of bags is too easy to be ignored, but it has an impact on health, especially for children. Experts believe that backpacks have the least negative impact on people's health in comparison with other types of packs. The cross-body bag also has certain benefits, which can reduce the load of the spine, unless using the cross-body bag with a bad posture.

There are some tips about how to buy a suitable backpack.

First and foremost, the fabric must be lightweight. Just think, you pack your laptop, several clothes and some articles of daily use into the backpack. It’s too heavy to carry. If this backpack is also lumbersome, you would feel tired and uncomfortable when you carry it. So customers should pay more attention to the weight of backpacks, especially teenagers in the period of bone growth. Too weighty backpacks lays more burden on teenager

Have some friends to buy bags of experience should have know, itself a backpack filled with things has already put the weight of the body much, if the weight of the luggage itself is very heavy, so not only is very tired when using, and is also a big load to with health, some backpacks because increased a lot of unnecessary decoration and increased the backpack weight, is not an option.

The next one is wide strap backpack back bandwidth is a scientific basis, the wider the backpack strap can make the shoulder surface increase, reduce the shoulder damage caused by local stress on the shoulder.

Backpack posture is very important, especially young people are active, so they may use some strange posture to carry their backpack, but poor posture may have a serious impact on the spine, which is a serious health risk for young people in the long run. For example, some cross-body bags and backpacks, some people because they look good deliberately backpack, cross-body bag straps to elongate, but this makes the backpack constantly shaking, long-term will cause a lot of pressure on the spine. Buy some long backpack also should pay attention to, their harm is much higher than the general backpack.

Therefore, we should  attach more improtance to bag's choose because it plays an improtant role in protecting our health.

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